Member Rules
1. The name of the Club shall be SEAFORD RAMBLING CLUB.
2. Membership is open to:
• All adults who are in sympathy with the objects of the Club.
• Young people over the age of 16 years. Children under 16 years of age are welcome providing they are accompanied at all times by an adult who must accept full responsibility for their conduct and welfare.
3. The business of the Club shall be conducted by a Management Committee hereafter referred to as the Committee which shall consist of:
• Chairman
• Hon. Secretary
• Hon Treasurer
• Hon. Membership Secretary
• Six other members of the Club
4. The members of the Committee shall wherever possible be nominated by the Club Membership. Failing nominations the Secretary will seek volunteers from amongst the Club membership. Club members may be co-opted to the Committee where their attendance is considered to further the interests of the Club.
5. The Committee shall appoint a Chairman from its own ranks and the Club membership will be advised of the nominations and will be invited to ratify the appointment. The Committee may appoint a Vice-Chairman, an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer from within their ranks if such appointments are considered necessary.
6. The Club may appoint a President and a Vice-President. Such appointments will be proposed by the Committee and the membership will be invited to ratify the proposal.
7. The Committee may award Life Membership to a Club member in recognition of exceptional service to the Club over a period of a minimum of 10 years.
8. The Committee will meet at such times as considered necessary, and shall take all steps possible to ensure that Club members are kept fully informed of all club activities including social and matters of administration, and at the same time members will always have an opportunity to make comments and suggestions. The method to achieve this object is set out herein.
9. The Secretary shall keep a Minute book to record the business of the Club as conducted by the Committee.
10. The Treasurer shall receive and bank in the name of Seaford Rambling Club all monies belonging to the Club and with the authority of the Committee pay all accounts and expenses pertaining to the Club and keep the necessary record of such transactions. All cheques shall be signed by any two of the following: The Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, or by a Committee member designated by the Chairman.
11. The financial year of the Club shall be the lst December to the 30th November.
12. The Annual Membership Fee shall be fixed by the Committee for the following year to meet the budgeted expenses of the Club. This decision will be advised to the membership for confirmation. Any members failing to pay the annual membership fee, (due on the lst of January,) by the 31st January following, shall cease to be a member, but may be re-admitted on making such payment if the Committee so decides.
13. In order that members may be kept fully advised of Club activities and important decisions made by the Committee which affect the membership, a quarterly newsletter plus the walking programme will be circulated to all members. Where notification of Committee decisions by the membership is thought to be desirable, the matter will be brought to the Annual General Meeting, or, to a Special General Meeting, if required, by no fewer than 12 members, stating the object of the proposed meeting.
14. The Club Chairman will prepare an Annual Report, on behalf of the Committee which together with the Accounts for the previous year will be presented to the membership at an Annual General Meeting to be held not later than 30th June each year. The annual accounts will be examined by a person nominated by the Committee who shall not be a member of the Committee.
15. The Committee will review these Rules from time to time, and will consider any written proposal for amendment submitted to the Secretary. No Rule will be amended by the Committee without the proposal having been previously notified to all members in the Newsletter, and having been approved by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
16. During rambles, members must in all matters submit to the direction of the appointed Walk Leader. All Walk Leaders are issued with an Emergency Action Plan which is reviewed periodically by the Committee. Any walker desiring to leave the ramble en route must advise the Leader before doing so.
17. The Club does not accept liability for any injury or damage suffered by members or guests during Club activities, whether under Club leadership or otherwise. The Club undertakes to maintain an insurance policy to take account of Public Liability.
18. Any person who goes on a ‘taster walk’ with the Club will be granted temporary membership for the duration of that walk for the purpose of insurance.
19. All non-members going on Club Holidays will be required to take out temporary Club membership for the duration of the holiday, a nominal charge of £1 will be made.
20. Dissolution. Should the Club have to close for any reason, a Special Meeting of members shall be called for the purpose of agreeing that the Club be dissolved i.e. wound up, and that the funds remaining after all the bills and expenses have been paid, shall be disposed of as determined by the Special Meeting. The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all the necessary action is taken.
21. The above Rules hereby cancel all previous Rules.
Published by Seaford Rambling Club.
23 July 2005.
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At the AGM on 9 February 2006 the following was added to our Club Rules:
As we are a non-profit making organisation it is suggested that any surplus of income that is not needed for the club activities be donated to a suitable charity as determined by the Club Management Committee.
Published by Seaford Rambling Club.
9th February 2006