Welcome to Seaford Rambling Club
Who are we?
We are a friendly group of walkers who love to ramble in our beautiful East Sussex countryside. A sociable and informal group, we welcome companions of all ages.
There are roughly twelve walks per month. Every walk is under the supervision of an experienced leader and is between 3 and 12 miles in length and of varying difficulty.
Our Club is affiliated to Ramblers UK and they offer guidance and support to club members. For more information see www.ramblers.org.uk
Would you like to join us?
Our walks
Our walks may start from Seaford or require a bus, car or sometimes train journey to the start. They vary in length, terrain and difficulty. We make the most of our spectacular coastline, beautiful downland views and attractive and historic local villages.
If you are in doubt about your ability to undertake a walk, please speak to our Walks Coordinator, Sue Belchamber (contact details below), who will be able to advise you as to the nature of the terrain and the level of fitness required.
You are welcome to come for a taster walk before joining the club so we can guide you to the type of walk most suited to your ability. Any person who goes on a taster walk will be granted temporary membership for the duration of that walk for the purpose of insurance.
Contact Sue Belchamber, Walks Co-ordinator, on 01323 873579 for further information.
Our Purpose
To organise walks and rambles
To assist in seeking and preserving public rights of way within the Club’s area
To encourage and help members to a greater knowledge, care and love of the countryside
To encourage social activity.
Seaford Rambling Club was founded in 1981.
Seven walkers including Harry Dolin, Patrick Osborn, George Smith, Bill Defrice and Barbara Peake were among the original members to organise rambles. The first was from Falmer Station to Glynde and the second from Eastbourne to Seaford.
Although early records are thought to be lost, notes concerning the history of the club can be found at ‘The Keep’ – the purpose built archive and historical resource centre near Brighton.
Sample walks
Walks vary by season and length of daylight and can be morning only or a full-day. Most walks need to be booked in advance when the walk leader will confirm further details.
Below is an example of a month’s walks.
Please note, all walks meet at a location and time specified by the walk leader.
BDS – Bring Drink and Snack
BPLD – Bring Packed Lunch and Drink
C – Car; B – Bus; W – Walk from start; T – Meet at Station;
E – Easy - slowish walk, minimal slopes
M – Moderate – Easy walking with slopes but nothing too formidable
H – Hard – Hilly walking
VH – Very hard – Steep, rugged and hilly
Advertised mileage and grades of walks are as accurate as possible, but serve only as a guide and cannot be guaranteed.
“Walking in the countryside is one of the healthiest activities you can engage in. It gives you fresh air, sunshine, fantastic views of the countryside, exercise and stimulating companionship.”
— Seaford Rambling Group